The genesis of Pro Wrestling X was formed in 2002. Fans of the wrestling game genre were left bitterly disappointed by glitchy, lackluster titles. Dissatisfied gamers found a collective voice online, and one of these voices – Dave Wishnowski – quit his job and set out to make his own wrestling game.
After more than 12 years years, the Pro Wrestling X team is still standing and working harder than ever. Here’s a quick rundown of what we believe, where we’ve been, and where we’re going.
The belief in a few core principles led to Pro Wrestling X, and those philosophies are with us to this day.
Wrestling fans matter – Pro Wrestling X was founded because game developers ignored their most passionate fans. We know better. We’re wrestling fans. We’re video game fans. And we hope to build the games we have always wanted. With your help, we will.
The play’s the thing – Over the last ten years, wrestling games have gotten very pretty. Lots of shiny, lots of high-poly counts, lots of whiz-bang. But many of these games are downright terrible to play. Pro Wrestling X is focused on gameplay above all else. We have a favorite phrase: “Make it work. Then make it work well. Then make it pretty.”
Modders are awesome – Fan-created custom content for wrestling games is prevalent and can be amazing. Pro Wrestling X will be as modder-friendly as possible – and we can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with.WHERE WE’RE GOING
Our latest release is part of Steam’s Early Access and is currently in active development. Learn all about it on our Steam store page.
Pro Wrestling X will only succeed with your help. We have exciting news coming in the days and weeks ahead, please find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our weekly e-mail list. Please tell your friends!
For those who have been with us since the beginning, we can’t thank you enough for all your support. It will not be forgotten.